04 529 4777
Discover the Power of Udwaarthanam: Cellulite and Fat Reduction Massage.Struggling with weight loss can take a toll on our confidence, but with the right approach, achieving your goals becomes attainable. Udwaarthanam, a profound technique utilizing medicated oils and herbal powders, offers a solution.This deep tissue massage stimulates lymphatic flow, effectively reducing body fats and eliminating water retention. Through the application of warm herbal powder and targeted pressure, Udwaarthanam breaks down unwanted fat deposits while detoxifying, toning, and purifying the skin. Experience the rejuvenating benefits as dead skin cells are exfoliated, revealing a radiant glow.
The therapist will start pouring the warm oil or liquid in a gentle and rhythmic flow onto the center of your forehead, just above the eyebrows. The liquid will trickle down your scalp and hair, creating a soothing sensation. The pouring is usually done in a slow and consistent manner for a specified duration, typically ranging from 30 minutes to an hour.
+971 4529 4777
Shop 06,07, R507-Wasl Amber Building, 19th Street, Al Karama, Dubai, U.A.E
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